by fredrik | Oct 26, 2018 | Career, Vacant positions
This is a job posting for a developer position in Sensebit. An English translation is available at the bottom of the post. Var med och bygg nästa generations sensorsystem Vi i Sensebit utökar nu vårt utvecklingsteam i Uppsala och Stockholm. Är du sugen på att jobba i...
by fredrik | Oct 15, 2018 | Company news, Independent tests
Another independent study where Sensebits sensors are included has been published. This time it’s The Swedish Transport Administration that has conducted a study in which several types of equipment used within the organization is compared in terms of data...
by fredrik | Oct 10, 2018 | Company news, Organization
Sensebit has opened a new development office in Uppsala, 70 km north of Stockholm. The main focus of the office will be to increase development speed with focus on backend, and embedded, development. Uppsala is the city where Sensebit was founded back in 2007, as a...