by fredrik | Dec 17, 2015 | Company news, Product announcements
FLEX is a new standalone vehicle sensor from Sensebit with integrated battery and modem that requires no roadside installation. It is installed in the middle of the lane to be measured and is managed remotely. An installation takes about 15 minutes and it allows the...
by fredrik | Sep 8, 2014 | Company news
As a result of the acquisition of Vectura Trafik to the subsidiary Trafikia, Sensebit continues to widen its portfolio of services in the Nordic region. To increase knowledge and experience within the new areas of business, former CEO of Vectura Consulting Jan...
by fredrik | May 5, 2014 | Company news, Subsidiaries, Trafikia
Sensebit acquires the traffic measurement division (formerly Vectura Trafik) with 22 employees from Sweco to the subsidiary Trafikia AB. As a result of the acquisition, Trafikia becomes the largest company in Sweden within the area, and can offer customers complete...