Vehicle sensors | Products, data and accuracy
Magnetometer based vehicle sensors installed in the groundAccurate
Measure anywhere
Built on open protocols, our vehicle sensors can be used with both existing software as well as our cloud based analytics tool Trafficweb.
Truly wireless, continuous measurement
The FLEX sensor is a standalone vehicle sensor with integrated battery and modem. It can be installed pretty much anywhere in 15 minutes and can measure continuously for up to 10 years with data uploads every day.

Real-time continuous data without the hassle
The FLEX Real-time is a power-over-ethernet vehicle sensor that can be installed quickly and uploads accurate data in real-time. It’s an ideal replacement for loops and other traditional solutions for continuous data collection and ITS applications.
What data do I get?
Vehicle-by-vehicle data that can be used for statistics, detailed studies or ITS applications.
Up to 5 classes, choose your scheme.
- Classification error (five class scheme) 5%
- Average velocity error 1%
- Average length error 1%
* Test by the Nordic traffic authorities research cooperation NordFOU. Download report summary.
We continuously participate in third party tests organized by road administrations and research organization throughout the world to assert the performance of our vehicle sensors. All accuracy claims are based on independent and published reports.